The purpose of this site is to connect with family and share.

I have been researching both my husband's families and mine for over nearly thirty years.

Through the research and travel to research, we have made many friends.

The best part is that most of these friends are also relatives!

The information and pictures we have collected are presented on this site.

We would like to connect with other branches of

the families and share what has been gathered.

This site will grow as more data is found.

Are you my cousin? Do we connect.......................?

Do you have information to share...........................?

This is a work in progress ......

If you have questions, something to contribute or have found a broken or incorrect link - please contact me. For the purpose of this site the resolution of some pictures isn't high and can not be downloaded satisfactorily. Higher resolution copies will be sent if requested.  Feed back and comments on the site would be appreciated. I look forward to hearing from you.
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